Delivering Japanese deliciousness to the world.
Truly great taste can only be achieved after pursuing the essential quality of an ingredient.
We say “dashi” as something permanent but the taste may fluctuate depending on the ingredient, season, and no two tastes the same.
We have a system to deliver consistent taste by combining the craftsmanship and knowledge of experienced craftsman with quantified data through scientific research of components.
By continuously analyzing the content and combinational balance, we want to deliver the uniquely Japanese flavor = UMAMI, resulting from our diligent pursuit of the essential quality.
Through ON THE UMAMI, we will deliver the essential quality of “UMAMI”. Defining the essential quality of UMAMI and the joy of selection.

Analyzing UMAMI components from 6 sense of taste.
What type of flavor is experienced? What dishes does it go well with?
To provide deeper palatable experience, we scientifically quantify, rather than relying on our subjectivity, to visualize the features of dashi.
- Richness
- Sharpness
- Aftertaste
- Sweetness
- Depth
- Sour flavor

Learning about Dashi
Drawing out the best and enhancing the flavor of an ingredient.
Japanese “Dashi” is prepared by carefully selecting and processing the ingredients, such as bonito and kelp, over a period of time and finally extracting the UMAMI by boiling them together.
The extracted UMAMI components in turn draws out the potential flavor held within other ingredients used in a dish to intricately compound the flavors in a dish, making dashi an ingenious seasoning.
If the dashi is extracted thoroughly, it will make the cuisine full of UMAMI, so even if the seasoning is light, the flavor will have depth.
Given this understanding, we can see a definitively different approach than the methods incorporated by the Western or Chinese cuisine where the ingredients are boiled for a long period of time and the flavors accumulate on top of each other.
The Japanese “Dashi” is precisely about drawing out the flavor = discovering the essential quality, with MSG and Preservatives Free.

Dashi culture with long history
The invention of dashi could be traced back all the way to the Nara Period (710-794 CE)
In Japan’s oldest historical record, Kokiji, dashi, much like from bonito, is mentioned as “hard fish” and the broth made from it was used as seasoning.
In the Momoyama Period (1558-1600 CE), we saw the birth of “Tosa Bushi” and there is a record that Tosa Domain of present Kagoshima region gave Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, 1,000 dried bonitos in the Edo Period (1603-1863) as a contributory portion.
Then during the mid-Edo period, “Niboshi”, dried sardines, were born and the dashi culture spread widely.
Dried ingredients for dashi could be largely categorized into 4 types, “bonito, tuna, a mix of mackerel and horse mackerel, and dried sardines”. Today, the dashi-culture is deep rooted in regions across Japan.

Dining becomes more enjoyable when becoming aware of dashi.
It is well known fact that Western and Eastern regions have different type of “dashi”, but that is not all of it.
In Hokkaido and Tohoku (North Eastern) regions, fish types of bonito, mackerel or sardines are mainly used.
Sardines are more used as we go closer to the Hokuriku region, Northwestern part of the mainland, in the Eastern region died bonito is the most popular and in Fukuoka and Nagasaki cities of the Southern Island Kyushu, flying fish Ago dashi is the favorite.
Dashi reflects its regional climate and history.
Dining becomes more enjoyable when we become aware of dashi that matches the dietary culture and particular cuisine.

Getting to know the products
To enjoy dashi means to enjoy the essential quality.
Keeping the method of drawing out the natural aroma and flavor, as well as its quality, this pack is highly selected and easy to use at home.
The five type of dashi, bonito and kelp, small dried sardine, Ago flying fish, and age dried bonito are selected from the best across the country and blended with UMAMI drawn out from kelp and shitake mushroom to provide traditional flavors that symbolizes the dashi culture rooted in various Japanese regions.
Just by selecting dishes for each dashi, you will enjoy new culinary experience as if traveling to a new place.
The perspective and awareness of culture and food produce realized by experiencing the dedication will enrich your daily lives.
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