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You can place an order through our company’s website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please reach out through our customer support channels if there is an issue.
If the item you ordered is in stock, we will ship it within 3 business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
Once we ship the item, the delivery time will depend on each country’s international mail service or international shipping companies.
If you entered the address incorrectly, we cannot provide a refund or make another delivery.
Please check the address carefully when placing an order.
If you would like to cancel your order, please promptly reach out through our customer support channels.
We kindly ask for your understanding that cancellations are not possible if the item has already been shipped.
We accept payments through credit card (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and JCB), Amazon Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, Shop Pay, and Google Pay.
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