Ingredients 2 servings |
4 tablespoons Noodle soup base |
2 tablespoons Vinegar |
1.5 teaspoons Sugar |
Red chili pepper to taste |
1/2 Paprika |
1/4 Kabocha pumpkin |
1 piece Eggplant |
2 pieces Asparagus |
1/2 Zucchini |
1/2 Chicken breast meat |
Salt & Pepper to taste |
Proffered amount of Wheat flour |
Oil for cooking |
1) Slice chicken breast meat to large bite size, salt & pepper to taste and leave for 10 minutes, then coat it with flour. Cut vegetables into appropriate bite sizes.
2) Mix Noodle soup base, vinegar, sugar and red chili pepper in a tray.
3) Marinate the fried chicken breast meat and deep fried vegetables without any batter in the sauce prepared in step 2. After it cools down a bit, place it in the refrigerator to cool thoroughly.
4) Serve on a plate and add lemon if preferred.